See my Climate 2022 Report and decide if you are interested in having me write something for you. Warning, you won't like what I have to say. But, it's 100% science based from papers all released in the last two years.
Start here if you want to read from the beginning.
If we are going to have meaningful votes on Climate Change policy, people need to understand it. Right now, that’s not easy.
Jump here if you want "just the science".
Heat doesn’t “just happen” — Where it’s coming from and why that matters
Additional notes on albedo diminishment — I’m actually being “conservative” when I tell you that things are bad.
Go here if you want my analysis of the Ukraine War.
In Ukraine, we are seeing the first war of the “Climate Crisis”.
Finally, an update on Greenland. You probably have no idea how fast it's melting.
The Crisis Report — 01, The “Climate Crisis” we all feared, has started. It’s happening right now.