At this point I don't care anymore about "winning hearts and minds". If they are still willfully blind about this, fuck them. They will deserve what they get.
I wrote this:
In Ukraine, we may be seeing the first war of the “Climate Crisis”.
I have followed it up with this piece.
Putin’s Strategy is coming into view. World War III has started.
I am forecasting 800 million to 1.5 billion dying in the next 4-6 years.
Here's the science part.
Heat doesn't "just happen" - Where it's coming from and why that matters.
It's a lot to read, but yeah, 800 million to 1.5 billion dead over the next 5- years. With all the horror that's going to bring. Dust Bowl 2.0 in the US for sure.
Oh, and the oceans are dying.
The climate situation is much worse than you think.
When I wrote this piece, "Our politics and society are on a crash course with climate change" I was confident that a "Climate Crisis" would manifest by 2030. Right after I finished my Climate Report 2022 Putin invaded Ukraine and I realized that the Crisis has already started.
Here's one of the first dominoes in the cascade failure that's started.
Sudden agricultural output failures have started: The US Oat Harvest just crashed 40%