You are completely right about the sacrifice part. No one wants to give up anything. They imagine instead that life will be just as it is now, but with "clean energy" from "renewables".
That way, they still get cheap travel to everywhere in the world. They still get personal cars, but now they are EV's. Everything will be electric and "non-polluting". Life will go on, just the way it is now, but the planet will be saved. Yea!
That's what people in the "First World" are hoping for.
The reality is that the "Climate Crisis" is upon right now. We are in the first stages of a massive climate shock that is going to see global temperatures climb above 2℃ during the next five years.
I am forecasting the global death toll at 800 million to 1.5 billion in the next five years.
The Climate Crisis is upon us "right now".
In Ukraine we are seeing the first war of the "Climate Crisis".
Agricultural output failures of 40% are already happening.
Here's the science part.
Heat doesn't "just happen" - Where it's coming from and why that matters.
It's a lot to read, but yeah, 800 million to 1.5 billion dead over the next 5- years. With all the disruption that's going to bring. Dust Bowl 2.0 in the US for sure.
Oh, and the oceans are dying.
It's later than you think.