You are about to get your wish. When I wrote this, I thought we would have another decade:
When circumstances force change before the existing elites are capable of accommodating it. Well, that's what revolutions and civil wars are all about, isn't it?
The elites that have profited from the fossil fuel economy have suppressed action on Climate Change for over 30 years now. They are still trying to suppress action from being taken so that they can squeeze out another 10–20 years of cash flow from the fossil fuel industries.
They are going to get away with it at COP26 in a few weeks and probably at the ballot box in the US in 22' and 24'. Republican America has made Climate Denial such an embedded part of their political identity that they cannot change their stance now, even if they wanted to.
This has paid off for them for over 30 years, now it's going to hang them.
On Politics, War by Other Means - 02 : The Coming Climate Revolution
Since then I completed my climate analysis and Russia invaded Ukraine.
800 million to 1.5 billion are going to die in the next 4-6 years.
The Climate Crisis is upon us "right now".
In Ukraine we are seeing the first war of the "Climate Crisis".
Agricultural output failures of 40% are already happening.
Here's the science part.
Heat doesn't "just happen" - Where it's coming from and why that matters.
It's a lot to read, but yeah, 800 million to 1.5 billion dead over the next 5- years. With all the disruption that's going to bring. Dust Bowl 2.0 in the US for sure.
Oh, and the oceans are dying.
Revolution isn't just coming, revolution is unstoppable now.