The Crisis Report — 15

The Ukraine War is one year old today. China is expected to announce a “peace plan”. Here’s what the Climate is doing.

Richard Crim
10 min readFeb 24, 2023
This graph shows the downward trend in Earth’s albedo, as measured by earthshine (black) and CERES data (blue) in watts per square meter. Image credit: Goode et al. (2021), Geophysical Research Letters.
The green circle is where we are right now February 2023. The “zero line” in this chart is the 1981–2010 average of global temperatures.


I think I may start all of my next few articles with these two graphs. Because this is what’s driving the CLIMATE CRISIS that’s playing out in the Anthroposphere right now.

The castle in the middle represents the “Anthroposphere”. The constructed world we have built over the last 10,000 years.

The first graph shows a “dimming” or diminishment of the Earth’s planetary albedo. This was observed and recorded in two separate studies using two different methodologies. I have discussed this paper in detail.

Living in Bomb Time — 20 : Heat doesn’t “just happen”Where it’s coming from and why that matters.

Living in Bomb Time — 22 : I’m actually being “conservative” when I tell you that things are bad.



Richard Crim

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.