Since you are familiar with the basics of the situation I am going to give you some bad news.
The first big “Climate Shock” is about to hit. In 12 to 18 months a perfect storm of warming will kick in that will last 3–5 years.
It’s a 3 part storm:
1. Albedo diminishing has doubled the rate of warming in the last 7 years. It’s simple, if the planetary albedo declines, the earth warms up.
Earth’s Albedo 1998–2017 as Measured From Earthshine pub. Aug 2021
2. The La Nina cycle we are in will flip into an El Nino.
Another Record: Ocean Warming Continues through 2021 despite La Niña Conditions
Heat in World’s Oceans More Than Ever Recorded.
Hottest ocean temperatures in history recorded last year.
3. Warming that was being masked by SOx emissions will rapidly take place due to the changes in diesel fuels in the shipping industry in 2020.
Cleaner Air in 2020: 0.5% sulfur cap for ships enters into force worldwide.
I think, that all of this will combine to push warming above 2C by 2026. I think, that the next 2–6 years are going to be insanely hot.
Be aware, right now I am the "lunatic fringe" of serious climate writers. I am forecasting 800 million to 1.5 billion deaths over the next five years.
Here's my analysis:
In Ukraine, we are seeing the first war of the “Climate Crisis”.