Its invasion was driven by Putin’s need to distract his people from domestic instability and decline.
Here's my thought on that.
"Most analysts are still clueless as to what motivated this attack. Because they don’t understand his actions.
The standard assumption has become that he made an epic miscalculation."
Hello, Mr. Gander.
Thanks for following me and your interest in my latest Climate Articles. Warning, while I don't "follow back" reflexively, I do read and comment on things my "followers" write. Not everyone appreciates that.
If you get tired of my commentary simply tell me to "go away" and I will stop. The "fuck off and die, you freak" that I recently got from a Progressive writer, who doesn't seem to understand the concept of numbers, was both rude and unnecessary.
That being said, I fundamentally disagree with the foundational premise of your analysis. Here's where I start my analysis:
What I am arguing is that Russia and China don't use the Climate Models we do. They haven't been sabotaged by the Fossil Fuel Elites/Industries into massively underestimating (about 40%) the warming power of CO2 increases on the planet.
Russia and China are making "endgame" moves because they correctly perceive that we are in the ENDGAME of the 20th Century Climate Optimum.
The important thing to remember about "the endgame" is that there is NO TOMORROW. When it's over the game is done. In this case the COLLAPSE of the American "Pax Americana" is the end of the game.
In Ukraine, we are seeing the first war of the “Climate Crisis”. This is a 1914 Sarajevo Moment.
Putin’s Strategy is coming into view. If you weren’t clear on it, World War III has started.
President Biden is going to COP27
This war is about LOGISTICS.
There’s an old saying that amateurs talk about tactics, dilettantes discuss strategy, professionals study logistics. In a world where the grain supply in 2020 was 157.3m tonnes, Russia now controls 55.6m tonnes. About one third.
With Russia to supply it with grain from Ukraine, The US loses one of the last clubs over China it had.
The US can no longer threaten to “cut off” China’s food supply.
A threat, you heard repeatedly BTW during the Trump years from administration officials. Whose attitude towards China was “these are our demands”. “Give us what we want, or we will wreck your economy with tariffs and starve your people by cutting off your food supply”.
Remember all that “tough talk” from Trump and his followers?
Words have consequences.
China has decided that we have become too unreliable a trade partner to bet their future on in a “Climate Crisis”.
Thanks to Trump and White America, aka The Trumpublicans, we are seen abroad as unreliable, unstable, and on the verge of a constitutional crisis at a minimum.
Possibly even a civil war.
No one wants to stick their dick into that meat grinder to see what happens. Everyone wants to stay well way away from US internal politics and not pick a side until it becomes clear which side has the most legitimacy.
No one wants to deal seriously with us right now. Do you blame then?
Here’s what could happen in 24' in the wake of a “highly contested” election where Republican State Governors in a number of key states shut down ballot counting after the “in person” ballots were counted. Declaring that they were the only “secure ballots”.
China could declare trading sanctions on the US.
In a vote of “no confidence” in the legitimacy of the American elections. They could refuse to recognize a Trumpublican President as legitimate.
A lot of the world might back their play.
Just because we don’t care about Climate Change, or don’t believe in it. Doesn’t mean everyone else is as willfully blind and as stupid as White America.
A lot of the world is terrified by what’s happening with the Climate and we have become an unreliable partner.
A lot of the world might back China’s play. If that happens, China becomes the new “Superpower” overnight. Without a shot being fired.
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
Sun Tzu