Brother I hear you. This really is last call on our "Bella Epocha". The Ukraine War was our 1914 Sarajevo Moment just like I predicted last year.
On Politics : War by other Means — 03 -March 1, 2022
We are having a Sarajevo moment, in Ukraine we are seeing the first war of the Climate Crisis.
I also predicted the MONSTER EL NINO that's starting and is going to shake our world to its foundations. If you want to read a synthesis of my work from last year, including my Climate Report 2022 on the Climate System, I did this recently.
I am predicting that the next few years are going to be disastrously HOT. That doesn’t make me a “Doomer”.
Umair, I am going offline for awhile because of my health. This might be the last comment I make for awhile. So, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but, you still don't understand how bad it really is.
Another report came out in April (Heat stored in the Earth system 1960–2020: where does the energy go?) that confirms again that Hansen and others are right. Global warming has accelerated between 2010 and 2022. It looks like the rate of warming has roughly doubled to 0.36C per decade, starting around 2015.
ENERGY is flooding the Climate System and going straight into the oceans.
Sudden Ocean Warming May Be ‘First of Many Heat Records to Shatter’ -May 2, 2023
It’s been about seven years since the last El Niño, and it was a whopper. The world has warmed in that seven years, especially the deeper ocean, which absorbs by far most of the heat energy from greenhouse gases, said Sarah Purkey, an oceanographer at the Scripps Institution for Oceanography. The ocean heat content, which measures the energy stored by the deep ocean, sets new record highs each year regardless of what’s happening on the surface.
Since that last El Niño, the global heat ocean content has increased .04°C (.07°F). That may not sound like a lot, but “it’s actually a tremendous amount of energy,” Purkey said. It’s about 30 to 40 zettajoules of heat, which is the energy equivalent of hundreds of millions of atomic bombs the size that leveled Hiroshima, she said.
Here's the thing they never tell you but that everyone should be screaming.
I document this in detail but short answer, global warming has caused the Earth's Albedo to dim.
Here’s the paper to read.
Earth’s Albedo 1998–2017 as Measured From Earthshine pub. Aug 2021
Here's my analysis as to why it's DOOM if we don't get our act together "right now".
I’m actually being “conservative” when I tell you that things are bad. Additional notes on Albedo Diminishment.
Look, you don't have to believe me but remember I predicted this El Nino last year. Everything I predicted last year is coming to pass. Exactly the way I said it would.
Because I understand what's wrong with our existing Climate Paradigm and what the new one will look like.
We made two mistakes in the 80's because we were greedy and stupid. Here's how it played out.
CO2 levels had gone up by 70ppm from 280ppm in 1850 to 350ppm. Temperatures had gone up about 0.6C.
Now, how much warming would you predict from the next 70ppm increase of CO2, and the next 70ppm after that?
Everyone understands that Climate Sensitivity declines as CO2 levels increase. So, if 70ppm caused 0.6C of warming by the late 80's, the next 70ppm should cause a smaller immediate response, right?
That's the underpinning of our current Climate Models. That's how they generate a 1.2C current warming level and a 1.8C warming for CO2 levels of 490ppm. By looking at 'Immediate Warming' and ASSUMING that the Thermal Equilibrium will happen VERY SLOWLY over hundreds or thousands of years.
That's "the scam" at the heart of the current Climate Paradigm. The way we could "have our cake and eat it to". By ASSUMING that Immediate Warming would be around 0.6C per every 70ppm increase in the atmospheric CO2 level and that the "followup warming" would take centuries/millennia to happen.
In this paradigm of the Climate System, warming by 2100 should be no worse than 1.8C as long as CO2 levels didn't exceed 500ppm. This is still the implicit plan in the push to decarbonize by 2050. This idea that getting to 500ppm is still "safe".
The second mistake we made, was that we didn't understand that the 0.6C of warming we were observing in the 80's, wasn't ALL the warming. We didn't know we were geoengineering the Climate and cooling the planet down with our SOx pollution.
Estimates indicate that aerosol pollution emitted by humans is offsetting about 0.7 degrees Celsius, or about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit, of the warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. This translates to a 40-year delay in the effects of climate change. Without cooling caused by aerosol emissions, we would have achieved 2010-level global mean temperatures in 1970.”
Climate effects of aerosols reduce economic inequality. Nature Climate Change, 2020; DOI: 10.1038/s41558–020–0699-y
We didn't understand how much warming these particulates could "mask" until we saw it happen in the 90's with the Pinatubo Eruption. They are still masking anywhere from 0.4C of warming (IPCC) up to 0.9C of warming (Hansen and multiple other/s).
We didn't know that the 0.6C of "observable warming" that we thought was ALL THE WARMING, wasn't even half of the real warming.
Our Climate Models were built around a complete misunderstanding of reality. But, everyone wanted cheap energy to fuel a "Consumer Society" so we ignored warnings from "Alarmists" like James Hansen and opened up the taps on the oil wells. "Drill, baby drill".
The paleoclimate data that was developed in the 90's/00's finds that 400ppm means 4C of warming.
560ppm means about 6C of warming.
Those numbers are looking more and more solid now.
We are "observing" 1.2C of warming since "the late 19th century". Which is an accounting trick to reduce the reported amount of warming.
We KNOW 100% "for sure" that there is "masked" heat that isn't being felt because of our pollution. Up to 0.9C.
And, the amount of ENERGY flowing into the Climate System has doubled since 2015.
The Paleoclimate data is RIGHT, we are going to 4C. We are already at, or close to, 2.0C. At a 0.36C per decade rate of warming we will get to 4C around 2080. Sooner if we try to use LNG.
Using Natural Gas will cook us by 2040-2050.
The Climate Paradigm is about to shift. The OLD Paradigm has brought us to the edge of DOOM. If we don't see what’s happening and throw everything we have at it, then rapid depopulation of 30% by 2030 is the ONLY way to save civilization.
What if I told you there was a way to pull enough CO2 out of the atmosphere to cool the planet down over the next century. How many lives would you be willing to sacrifice to save the FUTURE?
Right Now not a SINGLE Government in the World is dominated by a GREEN Party. Not One.
This is not an accident of fate.
If we don’t decide together what to do about Global Warming. The Elites will decide for us.
How many lives do you think they will be willing to sacrifice to save their FUTURE?