RE: Synesthesia.
When I joined the Navy ROTC program they tested my vision. It was better than 20/20. I had eyes like a hawk then. They wanted me to fly a jet (umm NO). I spent a lot of time in submarines, I'm very happy on subs.
So, no. Not an organic issue.
Did you read Personal Notes — 08
I’m having a lot of Synesthesia the last few months. It can be disconcerting and delightful.?
I discuss the experience in more detail and use Wikipedia as background info. I was very surprised at how much new information has developed in the last 20 years.
There are Big Bang Theory references to synesthesia all the time. In one episode Raj gives Sheldon a huge set of numbers to go through looking for patterns. He says, "thus should take you all night".
Sheldon says immediately, "found one".
Raj, "how is that possible"?
Sheldon, "don/t the primes all taste like gasoline and their multiples flash in green to you"?
Raj, "No."
Sheldon, "well that's just me then."
That's just me too.