I love what you said Carol and under normal circumstances I would agree with you completely. But you are evaluating this without a complete understanding of the situation.
Before Ukraine Invasion, Russia and China Cemented Economic Ties
Six days before the military campaign began, Russia announced a years long deal to sell 100 million tons of coal to China, a contract worth more than $20 billion. Just hours before Russia began bombing Ukraine, China agreed to buy Russian wheat despite concerns about plant diseases.
What you are seeing in Ukraine is our first "Climate Crisis" war. This is about food. Russia with Ukraine generate about 25% of the global wheat supply. Putin and Xui think there is about to be a massive famine.
Pundits, who for the most part know shit about what's happening with the climate system, are baffled by Putin's actions. No one can understand why he would take such an existential risk for no obvious reason. They point out that the sanctions are going to cause the Russian economy to wither "in the coming years".
This is absolutely true. Unless there is no "long term".
Putin isn't invading Ukraine because he's crazy. He's invading because he thinks food is about to get scarce.
He thinks that in three years no one is going to "give a crap" about Ukraine in a world where 100's of millions are starving and countries are collapsing under the stress. He thinks that the Russian people will call him "a genius" in three years for securing a stable food supply in a world where agricultural production is collapsing and famine is widespread.
He might be right. He's willing to put it all on the line betting that he is. Because that's what invading Ukraine is for him. He is putting all of his power on the line. He is betting his life on this.
That's how sure he is that things are about to start getting bad.
You should read my analysis.