Hey, check out my reply to Paul Darling. He tried to cast some shade on my analysis.
I eviscerated him. I am weak, I really enjoyed doing it. LOL.
I am about to get my first tomatoes of the season. I start them indoors hydroponically and then transplant outside into pots as soon as the last frost is over.
Tomatoes and flowers are the only things I mess with these days. Apartment living makes everything else too much trouble for too little return.
I really liked your Medium neighbors piece. Before you decide to move to Pittsburgh so we can be next door you should know who I am.
I don't do a lot of personal stuff. Mostly it's about my wife's illness. However, there are two pieces where I let down my hair and talk about myself.
Random Thoughts - 02
Imagine there's no Heaven.
My Autistic Life - A Childhood Memory.
If you still want to be neighbors after you read those. Well, you were warned.
See you in a few months. I really liked talking with you and hope we get the chance to do it again.