Your discussion was interesting 🤔. Although I think you are talking past each other.
The key point is that it's ALL artificial. All of it, our entire social environment is a construct.
Christmas? All of the "timeless" traditions started in 19th century.
Capitalism? As we practice it, started in 19th century.
Socialism? As we practice/define it, also 19th century.
Most of our social reality is built on foundations laid in the 19th century. Things have changed substantially. Perhaps we should consider some updates as well.
We have a mythology in the US that if we tinker in any way with "Capitalism" disaster will follow. It literally is like worship of a Golden Calf.
Social/Economic systems should work for us, not against us.
We know from case study after case study. History after history. That allowing unrestricted wealth to accumulate in the hands of small pools of Elites. Always leads to impoverishment for the masses and some form of feudalism as a government.
Right now the Elites are busily putting their wealth back into foundational investments. They are buying land and housing. Soon we will all be paying them "rents" for where we live.
This is not a flaw in Capitalism. It's how it works. Capitalism is not really an economic system. It's a tool to incentivize individuals to pursue social objectives for private gain.
If you don't regulate it and keep Elites from capturing an excessive amount of the flow of capital. Then they will take over and make us all serfs.
History tells us that's what happens. Every time.