You sir are a moronic a**hole. The stupidity of your reply shows what an immature "man child" you are.
Unlike Obama, Elon, and you I am not a “First Amendment Absolutist”.
I have standards. I have red lines about what should and should not be allowed in the public square.
So where is your personal, “red line”?
What forms of censorship do you accept?
Most people start with child porn.
Very few First Amendment Absolutists want to argue that child porn should be allowed. Even if, for some people it’s “artistic expression”.
How about “murder porn”?
There are people who really get off watching other people be killed. In all sorts of various ways.
Sometimes quickly. Sometimes slowly, with torture included. Why should they be discriminated against by the “mainstream” culture’s judgemental views.
You could watch people being lynched, set on fire, or shot in the head. In real life!
Actual rape videos are also very popular. Rapists have GoPro cameras these days.
Surprisingly, a lot of real rapists video their assaults these days. They like to replay them and they like to share them with the “rapist community”.
Do you want to argue for their “right to free speech”?
I know, right now you are saying, “Sure, with reductio ad absurdum examples you can make any idea look bad”.
You would be in error if you think my examples are absurd exaggerations.
A few years ago, after reading about the suicide rate of content moderators, I signed up for a three month gig of just that.
All of my examples are from content that flowed past my screen during those three months.
How about a channel for Terrorists?
Lots of people, also want to learn how to make high explosives from common household products.
They would be happy to have a YouTube channel dedicated to that topic. Instead of “school shootings” we can have “school bombings”. Won’t that be fun.😁💥
I’m willing to bet if your child was killed in a school bombing, by students who made a bomb like the ones they saw on YouTube.
Your opinion on First Amendment Absolutism might change.
A@@wipes like you never expect any of the consequences of the things you are advocating for to ever touch you. Free Speech absolutists never do.
Elon himself has said, "free speech that comes with consequences is not free speech”.
He doesn’t expect to be in a supermarket when a radicalized gunman armed with a weapon he learned to make fully automatic on the internet (free speech) bursts in and shoots up the place. After all, Elon is White.
The people doing shit like that aren’t coming after people like Elon. They only want to murder Black and Brown people.
Elon might have a different opinion if say the “Black Panthers” started calling on POC to get a gun and “go start shooting Whitey”.
The violent consequences of the “free speech” he is so passionate about aren’t real to him because he isn’t the target. He thinks he’s safe, so it costs him nothing to take a bold stand.
Conservatives piss and moan about “Cancel Culture”. I think it’s hilarious. The unselfaware hypocrisy of it is so blatant.
Do you know what Cancel Culture actually represents?
It’s the majority of people saying “we don’t like you and so we choose to remove your message from our attention”.
When that happens, the “Market” decides that your show, or movie, or column, or “whatever” is cancelled because the majority of the culture rejects it.
Wow, the “free market” at work, that’s what so called “Cancel Culture” actually is.
As a culture we have always “self censored” in just the same way that we “self censor” when, we as individuals, deal with people around us.