You should be angry. You should be filled with RAGE.
Understanding what's happening with the Climate Crisis should not be this hard. It has been made deliberately opaque and incomprehensible to the average person.
That wasn't an accident.
The Political, Financial, and Fossil Fuel Elites have successfully managed to make the climate situation seem "concerning" without being "actionable" for decades. Perversely, the Climate Science that supposedly would warn us if a catastrophe was happening, has become allied with these interests in defense of the current Climate paradigm.
Climate Science is dominated by "Climate Moderates" who are defending "their" paradigm that warming would be slow and the the climate system would be heavily self correcting. Even in the face of massive evidence that they got it wrong.
They have made Climate Science a jargon laden, inside baseball game where only they really understand what they are talking about. They are making decisions for all of us and they don't want us to understand the risks they are rationalizing in order to hold into power and wealth.
You should be filled with RAGE.
They are becoming scared that when this breaks the young are going to be filled with it. They are trying to spin and minimize and "groom" people into believing this is not what it seems, and not their fault, and no one could possibly have known, and it's not as bad as it looks.
The next five years are going to be brutal.
What happens after that is still up to us. But we have to start seeing the world as it really is, and give up the fantasy we have been living in.
You asked me before about Climate Projections for Europe. Have you seen this report.
Global and European Temperatures Report by the EEA. I
It has some very good graphics of projected 2050 temperatures. Just always use the "worst case" projections.