You don't have to look far to find it. Here is an example of "climate grooming" by an agent of the fossil fuel industry.
The Great Famine of the 21st Century — A cautionary tale of our future climate
You should read it, it's amazing.
Mr. Siegel is literally telling his audience that since famines killed around 10% of the world population in the 1880's "before Global Warming", famines are "natural". If one happens again soon, it will be a result of "natural fluctuations in the climate" not man-made climate change.
He is literally grooming them to accept mega-deaths as "natural". I would call Mr. Siegel “evil”.
FYI: The fact that the fossil fuel industry is pushing this line of propaganda is part of the reason I think we are about to have a Climate Crisis. You don’t try and sell catastrophe as “natural” unless you have to. They have excellent climate models and they use them to stay ahead of the rest of us. Their climate models in the 80’s warned them of global warming, which is why they started their disinformation campaign.
Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed. They know what’s coming and Mr. Siegel’s articles are their response.