You can be so analytical at times William. Don't overthink this. What she's really talking about is "social grooming".
An ENORMOUS amount of interpersonal communication is semantically "meaningless" and serves no obvious purpose. It's the verbal equivalent of offering to pick nits out of a fellow primates fur.
The point isn't to inform or exchange opinion. The point is to "bond" by saying meaningless but pleasing pleasantries to each other.
Most people do this so EFFORTLESSLY that you don/t even 'see" it. It's like you are fish and it's the water. You don't even notice how much you "groom" and soothe each other with this constant flow of social interaction.
For an autistic person it's EXHAUSTING.
There was a time in my life that I felt better walking through a jungle in the dead of night surrounded by people who would have butchered me on sight than I felt at one of my wives "office parties" or "faculty dinners".
Autistics have PROBLEMS with social interaction. On the plus side, I have one hell of a poker face. I have won poker tourneys because I literally have "no tells".
I can BE a stone and radiate NOTHING.