What do you expect from McConnell, or any Republican these days?
They can all see the consequences of "doing the right thing" and acting for the good of the country. Do a "Cheney" and your political career as a Republican is effectively over.
There are NO MODERATE REPUBLICANS to vote for people who do the right thing.
White voters are still the biggest voting bloc in the country. In 2020 they made up about 65% of the vote.
In 2016 they split 44% Trumpublican, 21% Democratic.
In 2020 they split 42% Trumpublican, 23% Democratic.
After 4 years of Trump just 2% couldn't take it and switched their votes. That's it. That's why Biden is hamstrung and failing. He didn't get the White vote he thought he was going to.
He was banking on the idea that a "moderate center" of White voters still existed. Voters who would support bipartisanship and a return to civility. It didn't happen and now we have gridlock.
There are no moderate Republicans. 42% of the country, all White, are now whack job Trumpublicans. That's who McConnell represents, those are the only people he cares about.