Very solid realistic discussion of how to view "prepping" for the Climate Crisis that's unfolding. As one of your cited "sources", and someone who was a "prepper" in the 80's, I have a few observations to offer.
Understanding why a "cascade failure" for Technic Civilization has probably started is CRUCIAL for thinking about how to respond to it.
It's easy to fall into "prepping" for Climate Change the way you would for a nuclear war, zombie apocalypse, pandemic, or Carrington Event. Which is why I think you need to refine your ideas a little bit.
Climate Change is not like ANY of the above events. It may crash our global civilization and leave the 2110 survivors in a permaculture/sustainable farming lifeway. I think that's becoming somewhat optimistic.
The problem is the SPEED of the change. On the human timescale it's both "too slow" and "too fast" at the same time.
It's slow enough that it's going to take decades to play out. If you decide that you REALLY believe in what the data is saying are you ready RIGHT NOW to change the rest of your life on that belief?
Here's an example.
When I lived in Merida (Yucatan, Mexico) I got to be really good friends with my regular taxi guy. A Maya gentleman named Carlos.
After 5 or 6 years of friendship, he asked me what would be the best thing he could do to help his young son be ready for THE FUTURE. Without hesitation I told him, "Relocate".
Merida is on a flat, karstic limestone, plain. Much like Florida. While it is about 40 miles inland from the coast, it sets just 30 feet above sea level. By 2100 it will be largely uninhabitable.
In just 80 years about 1 million people are going to have to relocate.
So, should Carlos sell his home in Merida and leave the only place he has ever lived, so that his son will grow up in an area with a better chance?
Should Carlos stay put for another 20 years and see what happens?
Are you willing to make the life changing 'leap of faith" and take the steps you outline, starting 'RIGHT NOW"?
I'm pretty pessimistic. People call me a "Doomer".
I think we are about to have a MASSIVE HEAT SPIKE that is going to cause a GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS lasting 4-6 years. My models indicate a death toll of 800 million to 1.5 billion from direct starvation.
However, that number can double or even triple if uncontrolled warfare breaks out. If our social response to the crisis is poor the risks of destabilization and catastrophic rapid collapse increase dramatically.
Poor leadership can make things much worse and speed up Collapse. Good leadership can slow it down, blunt it's impact, and turn COLLAPSE into MANAGED RETREAT.
Which is why I think these next few years are so crucial. I still think that, if people respond to the first "Climate Shock" we are about to have, by sweeping in a wave of GREEN leadership. We could manage this crisis and maintain civilizational continuity.
But this is it. We are on the knife edge here. If we blow this decade then things will get really ugly, really fast.