Very insightful on the psychology of violence. As someone who has trained with the best and who has killed in close combat, I think you understand things clearly.
I was a "prepper" myself back in the 80's. I had a little cabin, with guns, explosives, food, and seeds. I was all set and I had the skills.
At first you feel smug and smart. That passes and it gets old really fast. It's expensive, time consuming, and not really fun.
I like civilization. I like living in cities. I like libraries, cafes, concerts, museums, art, and culture. I don't want to live like the guy in "The Survivalist (2015 film)"
#Very good depiction of what that kind of life would be like. It's really bleak.
One day it occurred to me that instead of putting all this time and energy getting ready to survive when civilization collapsed, I should be working to make sure that didn't happen.
I started being a "Global Warming Evangelist" after that.