Two thoughts on reading this.
1. Have you heard of Henry Kissinger and "real politic".
Real Politic - The US has no permanent "friends" or "allies", we have INTERESTS only. This has been our modus operandi (sp?) since Vietnam.
2. You aren't seeing the Ukraine War for what it is, the first of the "Climate Crisis" wars.
We are about to have a massive Climate Shock.
The 3 year LaNina will be gone by April. Then it will rapidly get hotter for the rest of the year. It's going to be hotter than it's been in around 5 million years.
Next November is going to feel like last July.
We are about to switch into a completely new Climate State and I estimate 1B to 1.5B people are going to starve in the next 5-7 years in that transition.
There will be a geoengineering response to this. Almost certainly they will try injection of sulfate aerosols to cool the planet.
The war now, is about who will be in charge then. It's about us versus China.