Richard Crim
3 min readJan 18, 2024


Three “clusters” represent the three “factions” in the field of Climate Science. Basically they can be labeled as:

Minimizers — Moderates — Alarmists

If you group “Denier Science” into the larger Climate Science “umbrella” then you have the full-spectrum of responses to the current “Climate Crisis” which is unfolding.

Deniers — Minimizers — Moderates — Alarmists

What you have done here is present TWO viewpoints in DETAIL and given the "Alarmist" position a "brush-off" bordering on dismissal.

Michael Mann and Hannah Ritche have ZERO credibility in the REAL Climate Science community of researchers. Mann has stated that colleagues who are "Doomers" are basically "mentally ill".

Hannah is more discrete, but no less vicious in her casual dismissal of anyone whose "interpretation" of the data does not agree with her. She is a ZEALOT for the "Techno-Optimist" faction in the field.

The ones who BELIEVE that things 'aren't as bad as they seem' and that we have nothing to FEAR but FEAR itself.

She also thinks "Doomers are WORSE than DENIERS" and should be silenced.

They are MINIMIZERS and if you listen to them you ARE NOT getting a "fair and balanced" presentation of the facts. Which is why they align with GISS and NOAA.

Agencies that were both "captured" during the Trump years by the Fossil Fuel interests.


Living in Bomb Time — 17

Climate Report: Part Two. How much has the Earth warmed up since the “preindustrial” period? Surprisingly it’s hard to get a straightforward answer to that question.

The ‘politics’ of 1.2C.

You gave a LOT of discussion about the DENIERS and their "beliefs". A move that just gives them an impression of credibility.

You gave next to no discussion about the Alarmist position and the INCREASING EVIDENCE that the Alarmists are RIGHT. Instead you allow one of Hansen/s ENEMIES to "pass judgement" on his work and be "dismissive" of it.

Hardly an "unbiased" presentation of FACTS.

Hansen is an Alarmist, there ARE MANY.

Despite Hannah's optimism about staying close to +2C a BIG majority of ACTUAL Climate Scientists think there will be +3C of warming by 2100. AT A MINIMUM.

Hannah and Michael are in the "shrinking pool" of optimists who think +2C is even possible.

Particularly when:

2023 marks the first time on record that EVERY SINGLE DAY within a year exceeded +1°C above the 1850–1900 pre-industrial level. Close to 50% of days were more than 1.5°C warmer then the 1850–1900 level, and two days in November were, for the first time, more than 2°C warmer.

December 2023 was the warmest December on record globally, with an average temperature of 13.51°C, +0.85°C above the 1991–2020 average and +1.78°C above the 1850–1900 level for the month.

We are NOW at +1.5C and the RATE of WARMING has JUMPED to +0.49C per DECADE.

We will reach +2C by 2035, AT the LATEST.

Hannah Ritche is LYING to you and you have just spread her "lies" and misinformation further.

Before you "genuflect" to Hannah and Michael you might want to "check out" their claims. You know, find out some "real facts" about what's happening to the Climate System.

The Crisis Report — 27


Let's talk about what's going on. 'Cause 2024 is coming in HOT.

The FACTS will surprise you but these are ACTUAL facts. Not the 'opinions' of two Minimizers and a bunch of Deniers.



Richard Crim
Richard Crim

Written by Richard Crim

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.

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