This is a great Climate article. You REALLY listened and got a lot from Hansen and the video.
I appreciate your sharing the YT link. I will check it out, although I have already read the "Pipeline" paper.
So, since I also write on Climate Change here's your "cheat sheet" for understanding the current situation.
In 2004 the Earth Energy Imbalance was +0.3W/m2.
In 2010 the EEI was +0.5W/m2.
By the end of 2023 it was at +1.5W/m2.
In 2004 the Rate of Warming was around +0.18C/decade.
In 2010 it had grown to around +0.25C/decade.
By 2023 the RoW had reached +0.49C per decade.
Per Hansen, we will breach +1.5C PERMANTLY this year.
At +0.49C/decade we will breach +2C by 2035 at the latest.
+4C sometime around 2055.
That's what Hansen is forecasting will happen if we "do nothing" at this point.