This evokes such a complex reaction of emotional response that it's difficult to untangle what I think about it at the moment. For one thing, I didn't realize that you were a woman Aza.
Please don't be offended. Your profile pic is so tightly cropped that your gender is not apparent. I defaulted to assuming that you were a "he" instead of a "she".
Which is fine, because it's irrelevant to all of the discussions we have had here on Medium. You have a wonderful mind and I have enjoyed our conversations greatly. Your gender was never significant to me, only your thoughts.
Does knowing you are female change anything for me?
Nope, I'm a 65yo, autistic, bisexual, male. What's attractive to me is what's in your head, not what's between your legs. If your ideas excite me I'll find you sexy. It won't matter if you have a an "innie" or an "outie". 😏
Putting that aside, my first response to your account is one of great sadness.
My first wife was a feminist and all my life I have been allied with women working for equality in Western cultures. All my life I have been resistant to the idea of "gendered" spaces.
The creation of separate "female only" spaces seemed archaic, patronizing, and restrictive. I have always thought that the way forward was integration not segregation.
Articles like this make me doubt that belief.