They are going to try. They are already grooming their followers that the heatwave that's about to happen is going to be due to "natural variance" in the Climate system.
They are hoping that Trumpublican believers have so much invested in Climate Change not being real that they will seize on any alternative explanation. Not matter how insanely stupid and convoluted it is.
They are counting on Trumpublican voters, aka White America, being willing to die before they admit they were wrong.
I don't think that's what will happen. My second "On Politics-02" piece lays out what I thought was going to happen last Fall. I said that when young people (those under 40) realize in their gut what's really happening and how screwed they are, there is going to be a lot of RAGE.
I forecast that they will burn the Republican party to the ground and piss on the ashes. I stand by that analysis. They may win in 24' after 50 years of plotting, but it will be a Pyrithic victory.
That's my forecast anyway.