"The Personal is Political"
I find myself seeing that as the title of your book. A book that is meant to inspire others while recounting your personal story. A fusion of abstract IDEALS with a REAL WORLD account of your experience on how this shaped your life.
Because you never gave up. You stayed true to yourself despite all the shit that heaped on you. You never stopped "speaking up and speaking out". Despite what it cost you.
That's deeply admirable. You have lived without hypocrisy and you have encouraged others to do the same. So that things would get better for everyone.
That makes you exceptional and it made you a target for all the hypocrites around you. The ones who resented your example because it made their hypocrisy apparent for all to see.
Do you remember the Nick Hornby book 'How to be Good"? Nobody likes a "saint" IRL. They make everyone uncomfortable.
It sounds like your biggest regret was the failure to find others who lived up to their IDEALS.
Sigh, I have to stop. I am fading fast. There will be more, so consider if you want to respond as a dialog or in toto when I finish. There's a lot here to discuss.