The Crisis Report — 49

Let’s be CLEAR about what “Mainstream” Climate Science actually says. (Part Three)

Richard Crim
24 min readOct 12, 2024
2023 started out barely hotter than 2015. It finished about +0.3°C hotter than 2015 did. 2024 started about +0.52°C hotter than 2015. How much hotter it winds up being at the end of 2024, will give us insight about the accelerated Rate of Warming.


The multipliers in the Climate Change equation.

I have been mulling over how to write this piece. I want to clearly convey the Moderate Climate Science position because it is “mainstream” climate science. It’s the science that goes into the IPCC reports, that GISS says is true, that NOAA uses, and that is taught in Universities throughout the world.

To DISAGREE with the mainstream interpretation of the Climate System makes you either a “Denier” who believes that increases in the atmospheric CO2 level doesn't cause the planet to warm. Or, it makes you a “Doomer” who doesn’t trust “mainstream science” and insists that “the apocalypse is upon us!”

Both of these positions are regarded as “fringe” by the majority of Americans. Which clearly shows in American politics.

A clear majority of Americans believe in Climate Change and Global Warming. We know this for a fact, because Democratic Presidential…



Richard Crim

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.