The Crisis Report — 30

Why Is the Sea So Hot? Let me explain it to you.

Richard Crim


Let me walk you through it.

Even if you don’t pay much attention to climate news you should be aware that 2023 was HOT. It was so HOT that the overall average temperature for the year was +1.5C over the “late 19th century” baseline. This represents a +0.3C JUMP from the +1.2C temperature average for 2022. This was equal to all of the warming from 1990 to 2010 happening in ONE YEAR.

As you can see from the graph above, 2024 has been HOTTER than 2023 so far. This MASSIVE warming of the Global Ocean has become so alarming. That the field of Climate Science is in a crisis over it.

Earth Was Due for Another Year of



Richard Crim

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.