Short Takes — 10

Richard Crim
2 min readFeb 11, 2023

Re: Chinese Weather Balloons.

Does Doolittle Raid ring a bell?

We are at war with China.

We have announced plans to reopen bases in the Philippines.

We are considering allowing South Korea going nuclear.

Last month, the U.S. and Japan agreed to adjust the American troop presence on the island of Okinawa in part to enhance anti-ship capabilities that would be needed in the event of a Chinese incursion into Taiwan or other hostile acts in the South or East China sea.

They also added a formal mention of outer space in the longstanding U.S.-Japan security treaty, making clear that “attacks to, from and within space” could trigger the mutual defense provisions of the treaty.

*Note: What they are talking about when they say “within space” are things like the GPS satellite network. Meaning, if China tries to cripple our military capabilities by attacking assets in space, it’s an act of War and you agree to declare war on them as well. That’s what “Mutual Defense Provisions” means.*

And Japan announced it would begin constructing a pair of runways on the small southern island of Mageshima where joint exercises, amphibious operations and missile interception could begin in about four years.

How the US is boosting military alliances to counter China



Richard Crim

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.