Say, over the next 5 years 22'-27'. Not concentrated in one year. That would be very bad.
However, there will be a "bell curve" distribution to the fatalities. The bulk of the dying will probably happen between 24'-26'.
When there have been several years of drought and the food stocks are gone. When everything, everywhere, for everyone but the rich starts getting rationed out. And things like chocolate, coffee, and tea vanish from the shelves.
Because they come from the "hot zone" where heatwaves will be killing hundreds of thousands at a time.
So, while your "reductio ad absurdum" argument sounds good on first glance. You have misconstrued and misrepresented my point.
If you factor these deaths over 5 years this estimate is not out of line with what happened in the 19th Century. The last time we had a Climate Disaster like this.
About 10% of the global population died in famines between 1878-1900. The Fossil Fuel shills are already grooming their audience that it's about to happen again.
That it's "natural", that they shouldn't panic, and that it has NOT ONE DAMN THING TO DO WITH CO2 LEVELS.
I stand by my estimate. We are about to have a "die back".