Read your piece. I recommend it to anyone reading this. Alex is very eloquent and very well informed. His pieces always have something interesting in them.
I commented there but my response here is going to be similar.
We are at a fork in the road.
Either we "go for broke" and push on as hard and fast as we can. Hoping we get fusion power in a form that's cheap and easy enough to save us.
We start the deliberate degrowth and reallocation of resources to create a sustainable, just world for everyone at a lower level of energy consumption per capita. A world that emphasizes collective security and safety (medical care, education, housing, water, food) over individual freedoms and ownership.
You and I think Option Two is the only sane choice. Because Option One is "do or die" and the risk is HIGH.
But, maybe everyone should get a vote on this. If the MAJORITY of the people on the planet had it explained to them in these terms I'm not sure how many would agree with us.