"Putin sees how we handle our problems.
It’s all thoughts and prayers."
Fantastic close, I love the way you built on the discussion. I'm having heath issues. If you want here's the follow up piece.
We could fix this and buy the world a lot of time. All we have to do is stop converting corn to ethanol.
David Wallace Wells did an interview with an agro-econ guy this week who said we don't have a food crisis, we have a food pricing crisis. IE. ADM makes more for their Midwest corn turning it into bio-fuel than they do feeding people.
This is a big deal. We are talking about enough calories to feed 1.5 billion people. About the same number globally living in a state of food insecurity.
Do you hear anyone in the US calling for a repeal of the ethanol subsidy to ADM?
Russia may be using food as a weapon. We starve people for corporate profits.