Once again nothing will be done. Here's why.
90% of the country agrees with you that "Gun Safety" polices need to be enacted.
80% of White Republicans agree with you that "Gun Safety" policies need to be enacted.
20% of White Republicans do not.
They vehemently do not agree with you.
They are the "gun nuts". The QAnon people. The "Race War" believers who are out there chanting about how the Jews will not replace them with black people, and the Militia crowd.
Those White voters are the ones killing gun control.
White Republican America votes as a unified block. That’s their strength.
Even though 80% of them want some form of increased gun control. They vote, as a block, against it.
They vote against something that most of them want. Because, as the 2020 election made clear, they need every single White vote they can get.
If they splinter over issues, then Democrats will start winning on all fronts and none of them will get anything.
The "Pro-Life" White voters will not get abortion banned if they give ground on gun control. So, they vote against it.
The "School Voucher" crowd won't be able to destroy public education if gun control passes. So, they will vote against it.
The "Anti-Tax" crowd won't get government small and starved enough to "drown in a bath tub" if they lose the gun nut vote. So, they will vote against it.
Every interest group, single issue voter in the "White People's Coalition" won't vote for gun control because they need those votes. Or they won't get what they want.
Because they need those White voters, the tail wags the dog, and no meaningful gun control legislation ever happens.
This Republican dynamic is a big part of why we cannot get anything done in this country. They are in a trap. If they do gun control that 20% might turn on them.
If it does. They are through as a political force. The party will probably disintegrate like the Whigs did just before the Civil War.
Don't expect the Republicans to do anything but double down.
You don't vote for them. If you are White many of their base consider you are a "race traitor" for voting Democrat.
They don't care what you think and when they speak they aren't talking to you.
They are talking to their base, their people, the two out of three White voters who voted for Trump in 2020 and believe the election was stolen from him. That's who they are talking to.
They will remind them in all sorts of ways that this is terrible. But if you let Democrats take our guns the country will collapse. That they just have to suck it up for now, until they are in control.
Then they will fix everything.
Know what?
Trumpublican voters will vote for them again in 2022 and 2024. Of that I have no doubt.
Those voters, those are your enemy here.