OMG what a great article! You are my self-sufficiency guru from here on out.
Here's your reviewer's comment:
"This Mother Earth News reader since the 70's says J. Siegel's column on Medium is a must-read. Her information is comprehensive, up to date, and timely".
-Richard Crim 10/09/22
This is such a well thought out article. I really liked how you addressed the whole "self sufficiency" myth. It serves as a counterpoint to the desire by so many peppers towards isolating themselves.
Down that road lies devolution back to being hunters gatherers. We are stronger together.
Your advice was perfect and your massive experience is clear. This is no BS advice from someone in the trenches. This is what works.
I also reallly liked your discussion about how to figure out what to grow. "Eat what you grow, grow what you eat" sounds so simple. Yet I have seen people plant crazy stuff and feel turned off when things go wrong.
The one point you might elaborate on is how regionalism and seasons dictate diet. I remember Pollan talking about the difficulties of a restaurant in New England that only wanted to serve seasonal foods.
After one winter of only root vegetables in the menu, they got a lot less hard core about it. Modern shipping has given us this incredibly varied diet throughout the year that is about to vanish. It's really hard to give up.
Perhaps a piece discussing the seasonality of self sufficient gardening?
I am so enjoying these. Thanks!