Not disagreeing, just "tempering". The "wizards" have been right often enough that it doesn't pay to disregard them. Sometimes tech does solve all your problems.
Cheap fusion power could be a game changer for example.
I don't count on it, but it could happen.
Right now, the plans are COUNTING on a tech miracle to save us. That's a recipe for disaster.
The larger problem I have with back to the land is that I have done it. I lived on a commune in the 70's, I had a survivalists cabin in the woods in the 80's. I know how to do all the stuff you are reading about.
I like cities. I don't want to live in woods and raise animals, and grow food, and crap in outhouse. It kinda sucks after awhile.
See the English movie "The Survivalist" 2015 for a look at what that kind of life will really be like if it gets down to it.
I would like to avoid that if possible please. 😐