No meaningful gun safety laws are going to be passed until Democrats have a bigger majority. Republican America aka White America won't let it happen.
White Republican America votes as a unified block. That's their strength.
Even though 80% of them want some form of increased gun control, they vote, as a block, against it. They vote against something that most of them want because they need every single White vote they can get. If they splinter over issues, then Democrats will start winning on all fronts and none of them will get anything.
So, the 80% votes against something they want, in order to hold onto the "gun nut" vote. Because they need those White voters, the tail wags the dog, and no meaningful gun control legislation ever happens.
This Republican dynamic is a big part of why we cannot get anything done in this country and it's why the odds of any big action on gun safety over the next 4–8 years are poor. A significant portion of White America rejects the idea of gun control and the Republican party needs their votes.
They are going to fight against every gun safety initiative the Democrats try to push through, and the Democrats are going to water down what they put forward in an attempt to not lose white votes to them.
The unspoken fact is that most of the guns are owned by a handful of people. People who have an agenda. People who feel threatened. White men, mainly.
A 2015 survey by Harvard and Northeastern researchers, gave the most in-depth estimate of Americans’ current patterns of gun ownership. It found that America’s gun super-owners have amassed huge collections.
Just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms – half of America’s total gun stock. These owners have collections that range from eight to 140 guns, the 2015 study found. Their average collection: 17 guns each.
Super-owners were less diverse than gun owners overall, with super-owners most likely to be male, far less likely to be black or Hispanic, and more likely to say they own guns for protection, researchers said.
The most racist White men in America, the ones who feel the most threatened by minorities, have built up a huge stockpile of weapons for the "race war" they think is coming. They are LARPing being militia against "occupying Federal forces".
And the Republican party needs their votes. That's why gun control is not going to happen. No matter what this court decision says.