Most reporters don't have a deep enough understanding of SCIENCE or of Climate Science to be able to report "holistically" on the Climate Crisis. It's not something that you can "pick up" from a few classes.
Think of it this way, I'll bet you have male relatives who can tell you the names of every person in the starting lineup of their favorite football team. They know the history of the team in detail and can describe the dynamics of the entire league. To the point of being able to make informed predictions about the outcomes of future games.
Now, ask yourself, "how many Climate Reporters treat Climate Science the way Sports Fans treat Football"?
I can tell you the name and biography of every major Climate Scientists for the last 100 years. I can tell you the History of Climate Science and every major paper for the last 100 years.
I know the factions, the theories, the politics, and the science. Because I follow Climate Science the way most men follow Football. That’s what you need in Climate Reporters and you aren't going to get it.
Because I write some of the most "in depth" Climate Analysis on Medium, Substack, or Reddit and almost no one cares. There is NO AUDIENCE for "Climate News".
Enough people have not died yet.