LOL about sneaking underneath an elephant. 🤣 Stupid advice given by someone who has never actually hunted or killed anything from the sound of it.
Following that advice will get you turned into a thin red paste on the ground. Elephants are f'ing dangerous.
You know who used to hunt them. The Kalahari Bushmen, The Little People. You know how they did it. They used poison.
They would walk up to a herd of Elephants, and using little bitty bows with tiny reed arrows shoot one in the side.
Little more than a pinprick to the elephant but sealing its doom. The reed arrow was very sharp and it was loaded with toxins. Within a day or so it would be infected.
Then it would turn gangerous. Then it would become septic. Then septic shock would happen and the elephant would die.
That's when they would move in to butcher it. The whole process usually taking 8-15 days during which the hunters just follow the elephant around.
This BTW is the same way a komodo dragon hunts. If one bites you, your chances of survival are not good. That's how toxic their saliva is.
They will follow you around for a week until you get too weak to push them away. Then they start eating you while you are still alive. Just FYI.
Anyway, it sounds like they heard of this and told you a distorted version of it.