Living in Bomb Time — 41

A discussion of Hansen’s last few posts.

Richard Crim
17 min readJun 8, 2024
This graph was from his post of November 2023. At that point the 12 month Running Mean showed the Global Mean Temperature at +1.4°C. Hansen was projecting the peak of the El Nino at around +1.7C (pink dot). With temperatures cooling down slightly with La Nina conditions and the Rate of Warming shifting from the green line to the yellow cone.

This is his update in May of 2024.

Comments on Global Warming Acceleration, Sulfur Emissions, Observations (16 May 2024) James Hansen, Pushker Kharecha, Makiko Sato



Richard Crim

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.