Richard CrimThere is so much going on with Ukraine it's hard to know where to start.Putin wants the land and is willing to liquidate the Ukrainians to get it.Apr 14, 20231Apr 14, 20231
Richard CrimOff Topic: But in response to your recommendation.I will probably watch "From" now. It's been on my radar but "on demand" viewing has changed how I watch things.Apr 26, 20221Apr 26, 20221
Richard CrimI like this piece, it's very "big picture".Because, it looks at the same questions you are bringing up. Even down to the MGTOW assholes, Brin just calls them "Survivalists". The book…Apr 26, 20221Apr 26, 20221
Richard Crim"we’re overriding our biological imperatives because our survival instinct is the only thing that…This is a great line, and it's very powerful if you don't think about it too closely. Tie it to Climate Change and it's searing.Apr 26, 20222Apr 26, 20222
Richard CrimWhy do you think the power of "sanction" works?You know why that was our policy?Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022
Richard CrimExcellent advice.David's comment is also very pertinent right now. This is the window to get your shit together without going bananas about it.Apr 20, 2022Apr 20, 2022
Richard CrimActually, an engineered virus (like the "White Plague" by Frank Herbert, who wrote more than just…In my models I keep getting 100% likelihood that at least 1 and as many as 4 attempts at this will be tried over the next 10-15 years. It's…May 9, 2023May 9, 2023
Richard CrimDemocrats 22/24 : Vote like Your Life Depends on It.Become a single issue "Climate Hawk" voter. Get involved in the Democratic primaries and try to get Climate Hawks on the ballot for every…Apr 18, 20221Apr 18, 20221
Richard CrimThis is the "shadow war" that is the other half of what's happening in Ukraine.They are using the Climate Crisis to their advantage to force a realignment of the Global Economic Order.Apr 16, 20221Apr 16, 20221