Richard CrimBleak but spot on.Their idea of action, is basically shopping for the right things. Buy this product because it's "CLEAN". Shun this company because it's…Apr 1, 20231Apr 1, 20231
Richard CrimI have to say thank you for saying this. Even if you get some hate for it, it's absolutely true.There is a biological reason for this behavior. The "calcification" you speak of. It is actually a real thing in neurobiology.Apr 29, 20231Apr 29, 20231
Richard CrimOf course that just means, that once again we won't fit in our peer group.Apr 29, 20231Apr 29, 20231
Richard CrimI wish I could disagree with you.No one wants to change the way they live or the overall shape of the world. There is no sense of shared purpose around stopping Global…Jan 11, 20232Jan 11, 20232