Lie is such an ugly word, they "misled" everyone.
They had "good intentions".
I thought about this A LOT when I was researching the "Unclothing the Emperor" series last year. How could they DO THIS to themselves?
The Elites still have to live on Earth. No amount of money will save them from what's about to happen. Clearly, they didn't think this would happen in the 70's. When they sabotaged Carter and helped get Reagan elected.
They REALLY BELIEVED their Models were right in the 70's.
So the "tradeoff" to them, and their faction. Was 100 years of fossil fuel powered prosperity in exchange for about +1.8C (+/-0.3C)of warming. A "concerning" level of warming, but not a "catastrophic" one.
But it's the built in implication of our ENERGY policy choices since the 80's. The only real "vote" we had on this policy was the Gore vs Bush election in 2000.
White Republican American voted for the OIL and GAS guy who promised "no cost prosperity".
Because that's what they want to hear. It's what they want to believe. No matter HOW IMPOSSIBLE it is in the REAL WORLD.
The essence of every good "grift" is telling people what they want to hear.
In any case, there are A LOT of people who think the century of prosperity vs "slight" environmental degradation was a GOOD TRADEOFF. Because the ONLY alternative was a nuclear powered economy and after Three Mile Island everyone has been terrified of radiation.
The Fossil Fuel Elites made Bank off of this social decision BUT they BELIEVED it too. They don't want Apocalypse and Collapse. They don't want their children to have ZERO FUTURE.
What's happening is a MISTAKE.
In 1979 we made a choice about which model we liked. It SEEMED OK for about 20 to 25 years.
It "loosely matched" reality the way it had predicted and CONFIDENCE was HIGH that the Moderates and Oil Companies had been right about their predictions in 79'.
Then, just like the Alarmists predicted in the 70's, the warming went exponential and started ACCELERATING. Proving that the Moderates were WRONG.
That's when the "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt" campaign started. That's when they started LYING to us.
In the last cities of the Classic Maya, the places that drought took last. There are defensive walls for the first time in their history.
Not to keep out INVADERS. These are walls around the ELITE areas.
Hastily built, they didn't save the inhabitants of those areas. There are signs of fighting and burning.
Broken weapons and unburied bodies were left on the ground. Including the bodies of women, children, and infants.
Then the palaces were burned and EVERYONE DIED of thirst because there was NO WATER.
When the Elites could not "make the rain" and had lost the "mandate of heaven". The populace turned on them and butchered them ALL.
The Elites who got us into this, are not MOTIVATED to be HONEST about it.
They know what we will do to them.