Just so we are clear. You do understand that right now, I am "the lunatic fringe" of serious climate writers. You get that, right?
I am forecasting fatalities between 800 million and 1.5 billion over the next five years. At this time, I am alone in this forecast.
No other agency or analyst publicly agrees with me at this time. Even those who are warning of a "food crisis" because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, are not projecting famine deaths in the tens of millions.
I am confident that my analysis is sound. So, I am actively trying to spread the word of the coming disaster in the climate community.
But, I could just be a really smart, "crazy person". That's why the other climate writers are mostly ignoring me.
I really appreciate the supportive comments you have made. I hope my analysis has convinced you that my forecast is "actionable", ie. has a high enough probability of happening that actions should be taken in response to that probability.
We will know by this Fall which way the thermometer is moving.