"I’ve rarely met a misogynist who genuinely cared about the environment. Have you?"
Not all Climate Deniers are misogynist but every misogynist I have met in the last twenty years has been a Climate Denier.
On a similar note,
Not every Republican is a racist, but every racist I have met in the last 30 years has been a Republican.
Like Jessica points out, these things are related. They grow out of the same place. A desire to be "superior".
Superior for being White
Superior for being Male.
Best of all, superior for being a White Male.
Once upon a time, say 1950. The innate superiority of Whites over all other races was just "common sense". After all, Black people didn't come to Europe on slave raids.
The Chinese didn't sail to England, take cities by force, and then force the English monarchy to start letting them sell narcotics to the population. White people did that.
Then "scientists" started sticking their noses into things and "proving" that Whites weren't superior. That men weren't smarter than women. That White Males weren't actually G-d's gift to the world.
When that happened. Is when White America decided to stop listening to scientists, thinkers, and experts. That's when they started following charlatans, grifters, and "common sense" experts.