It's difficult to know how to respond to a piece like this. Clearly you don't care that you are going to piss off some of your readers. I respect that, a lot.
While I agree with some of your critique I see things from a different perspective. The majority of voters in the Democratic primaries choose Biden.
You and the other Progressive elements in the party coalition were hoping for aggressive action. The majority of Democratic voters desperately wanted "a return to normal".
You're angry.
I'm angry.
The majority of Democratic voters are exhausted and scared. They don't want a battle. They don't want explanations. They want things to go back to the way they were before Trump.
That's why they chose Biden in the primaries.
That's why they voted for him in the election.
That's what they want.
They didn't elect him to lead the Democratic 51% of the country to war with the Trumpublican 49%. They elected him to be a bland, boring, old white grandpa.
One who would say the comforting old stories about all of us "being Americans". One who would calm White Trumpublicans down and get things working again. One who would get us back to normal and make everyone feel safe.
So that they can stop being so god dammed anxious about the future.
Biden was never going to be the President you wanted. Despite the hopes of his supporters, he wasn't the President we needed either. He just believes too much in the decency of White America.
He cannot bring himself to go to war with them. He believes too strongly that he can win them over with appeals to shared American values. He wagered everything on the optimistic idea that he could still appeal to "reasonable Republicans" and build a bipartisan governing partnership.
He was wrong. Because there are no "reasonable Republicans". He is getting ZERO support from the Republicans. They have no interest in governing the country with him. They are actively trying to cripple his administration and make things worse.
As someone with a degree in Anthropology, whose dissertation was a comparative analysis of revolutions and civil wars, I think the signs are very bad. White America, aka the Trumpublican's, is getting ready to seize power and suppress the hell out of those of us who don't agree with them.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Our house is divided to the point that we are paralyzed. It's easy to criticize Biden but 49% of the country doesn't want him to do any of the things you want him to.
Can you name any Democrat who would have better luck reaching White America?
Biden's election bought us some time. The Dems should be using that time to rebuild the party into a "Green Democratic" party and making Climate Change the central focus of the party.
It might cost them seats in 22' but as the climate disasters start rolling in during 23' and 24' it will position the party for big wins in 24'. Younger White voters believe that Climate Change is real. When they understand how bad the situation is, their votes will be up for grabs.
24' will be most important election of our lives. We have a binary choice system in this country. It's the Republicans versus the Democrats. For all their flaws the Democrats are the better choice.
If you don't like what the party is, now is the time to start making it into what you want.