Insightful as always, your social analysis is "spot on". You define the state of play and the issues very clearly. What's next though?
By this I mean, what's next in terms of the global response to the Climate Crisis?
Your last article made it clear that we have reached the "do or die" moment for responding to that Crisis. Guterres said the same thing in his speech. Some of us here on Medium (the Climate Realists) also completely agree with you.
So, how should the average person respond to that?
Are you trying to mobilize people to get to the polls this year and vote in a wave of "Green Hawks"? New leaders who are willing to put everything else aside and focus only on the Climate Crisis. Because that's what's needed.
Or, are you simply reporting on the "state of play" and letting your readers decide for themselves how they feel. Because here's an uncomfortable truth.
There is a subtext in this swing to Fascism. It plays on WHITE fears of racial annihilation. On the idea that hordes of Black and Brown people are going to swarm over them and obliterate them.
A LOT of WHITE voters don't want to try and save the World. They think that leadership should be focused on saving THEM, FIRST.
Do their votes, do their desires not count?
You and I can argue that this is exactly the worst possible response to the Crisis. That pulling out of Global Institutions and frameworks into strictly Nationalist "every country for itself" positions will accelerate and intensify the Crisis. Will hasten COLLAPSE.
You and I can argue that COLLAPSE will spare no one. That no countries/nations will survive on their own. That our response must be GLOBAL and coordinated. Or else the COLLAPSE will be total.
Right now, the FASCISTS are more convincing. Right now WHITE voters are responding to their message.