In my "Crisis Report-07" I included a memo to President Carter in 1976 which spells out the risks of over reliance on fossil fuels. Carter tried to take us down another path and we voted him out of office in favor of the cheap oil and gas guy.
And you are right. The fossil fuel elites have suppressed change for 50 years while they raked in the cash. Because people wanted cheap travel, cheap clothes, cheap food, and cheap consumer goods nobody looked to closely at the long term costs.
In 2000 Bush and the Republicans actually said about Climate Change "Let the future take care of the future". Well the future is now and it came early.
It was always a con job. There never was any safe amount of CO2 we could put in the atmosphere.
For the last 3 million years CO2 levels have fluctuated between 180ppm and 280ppm. That 100ppm range changes the Global Mean Temperature (GMT) about 6C.
That 6C is the difference between New York under a mile of ice and the New York of today.
How much do you think we could safely raise the CO2 level over the 1850 level of 280ppm?
We assumed, in our ignorance that we could raise it to 500ppm or even 600ppm before "something bad" would happen. That assumption, that was the LIE that the Fossil Fuel Elites pushed hard.
The reality found in the paleoclimate record, that we painstakingly have deciphered, is very different. That record says the 140ppm that we have already put in the atmosphere is going to raise the GMT by 4C.
We have already baked in 4C of warming. We have experienced about 1.2C of "observable" warming and about 0.7C of "masked" warming. We are already close to 2C of warming and the RATE of warming has increased since 2015 to 0.36C of warming per decade.
At that rate we are going to 4C by 2070. Our civilization probably won't survive that rate of warming. Because projected agricultural yields decline by about 60%.
That's your future for the next 50 years. Disaster, starvation, and COLLAPSE.
People should be enraged.
They aren't yet because they have been indoctrinated with the paradigm that Climate Change is slow and gradual. They think it's not going to bite them.
When a critical mass is reached and people really understand what's happening. That's when the rage will come.
The LaNina is going to last until next Spring. Then the REALLY BIG HEAT SPIKE will develop as the ElNino starts releasing heat from the oceans.
24'-28' are going to be "Crazy Years". It's going to be hot and there isn't going to be enough food. That's what's coming.
When that happens people will wake up. It's going to be ugly. Like French Revolution ugly. They will want to hunt down Fossil Fuel Elites and publicly execute them.
In many of the cities of the Classic Maya you find walls built right before the end. Not around the city to protect from invaders. Around the palace district, around the Elite residences.
In these cities the Elite areas are burned out and the dead ( men, women, and children) were left unburied where they fell. Then the city collapsed and the population vanished.
When the Elites couldn't control the weather. When they couldn't "bring the rains". The starving thirsty population slaughtered them in their RAGE and despair.
That's what the Elites of today are afraid of. That's why they are continuing to LIE and are going to do and say anything to obscure their guilt in what's happening.
It's why the Elites are backing the Fascists. They think the Fascists will protect them.