I totally support the message expressed in this essay. Umair's analysis of the current situation is spot on. A massive Climate Shock has started and will unfold over the next five years.
The only historical analog we have is the Climate Disaster of the late 19th century. When a series of global heatwaves and droughts killed 10% of the global population.
If you have never heard of this, it's because most of the victims of this disaster were Non-European. The “Late Victorian Holocausts’” don’t get a lot of mention in Western schoolbooks.
The definitive book on this first “climate disaster” from early global warming, that I know of, is this one.
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World by Mike Davis (2000)
This book explores the impact of colonialism and the introduction of capitalism during the El Niño-Southern Oscillation related famines of 1876–1878, 1896–1897, and 1899–1902, in India, China, Brazil, Ethiopia, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and New Caledonia. It focuses on how colonialism and capitalism in British India and elsewhere increased rural poverty and hunger while economic policies exacerbated famine.
If you haven't read it, you might want to. Because one of the biggest shills for the fossil fuel cartel is talking about it here on Medium.
The Great Famine of the 21st Century
A cautionary tale of our future climate
He's grooming his followers to go out and spread the word that what's about to happen is due to "NATURAL VARIANCE".
Burn the term “Natural Variance” into your brain. You are going to hear a lot of it from the Climate Deniers over the next few years, as it gets rapidly warmer.
“Natural Variance” is how Trumpublican voters are being groomed to view the Climate Crisis that is unfolding.
This is the foundation of the disinformation campaign that Mr. Siegel and the Fossil Fuel interests are engaged in. The idea that the heatwaves, famines, and disasters that are about to unfold are just “natural variance”.
They have been setting up this campaign for about five years. At least since 2017. They have excellent climate models and they must have a pretty good idea of what’s about to happen.
They sure don’t want to be blamed for it.
The fact that a professional "Climate Denier" is grooming his readers to view the upcoming disaster as "natural variance" should scare the crap out of you. The fact that CLIMATE DENIERS have started talking about this obscure book as an example of a Climate Disaster caused by natural variance before any warming due to increasing CO2 levels, should make the hair on the back of you neck stand up.
The people responsible for this catastrophe are signaling what they think is about to happen. They agree with Umair.
What's about to happen is going to be very bad. The next five years the temperatures are going to rapidly go up, every year.
The next five years will be the hottest on the planet in over 1 million years. The last time it was this hot, Homo Erectus was the latest model of the Homo lineage.