I thought about something helpful to try and organize your thoughts around this. It's a lot, and it can be overwhelming to the point of paralysis. Here's a really good article by Shaunta Grimes:
How to Prepare for What’s Coming
Shaunta is one of my personal "Climate Heroes" because of her realism around the issue. She inspired my first piece:
It’s Raining in Antarctica and the Arctic is on Fire
And I started my Climate Report 2022 with this,
So, I wrote my first climate piece here on Medium almost 2 years ago, "It's Raining in Antarctica and the Arctic is on Fire". I wrote it in response to a piece by Shaunta Grimes about how she and her family moved from Las Vegas to Pennsylvania because of her concern about the effects of Climate Change on the world (Deep Adaptation: Is It The End of The World as We Know It?).
I thought her actions were intelligent, farsighted, and brave. It's not easy to pack up and move to a new place because you foresee disaster unfolding in the place you live. It requires a clear eyed acceptance of reality that most people just don't have.
I think highly of her. Her advice is very practical.