I really liked the expression "the effect of stuttering decision making". A very vivid way of expressing a type of leadership dysfunction.
Mitch and I recently were talking about the "decision loop" or OODA concept. He was interested in something I said about Climate Change happening so fast now it was "inside our decision loop". IE, happening faster than our social systems could react to it.
You might like this article. Mitch really found it clarifying. I suspect you are already familiar with the concepts.
The OODA Loop and the Half-Beat
“The way to win in a battle according to military science is to know the rhythms of the specific opponents, and use rhythms that your opponents do not expect.”
—Miyamoto Musashi (Book of Five Rings)
What does it mean to get inside an opponent’s OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) loop?
The answer for a whole generation of Western military officers is to cycle through a decision-action framework quicker than the adversary, orienting to situations and acting faster than they can adapt. It’s a compelling theory, but if the fastest combatant always prevailed the the history of combat from duels to state-on-state conflict would likely have many different outcomes.
Speed, the decisive component in the Schlieffen Plan, could not compensate for the plan’s lack of flexibility. Likewise, General Douglas MacArthur’s haste to drive X Corps and Eighth Army into North Korea ended up drawing China into the Korean War and led to a number of disastrous defeats in November and December of 1950.
The reality is that speed is only one component of a fight.
What is lost in a focus on faster decision-making is another equally important component, timing. Indeed, by definition, speed is derived from time, yet poor timing has prevented success in battles from Napoleon at Borodino to General Lee’s offensive at Gettysburg.
While speed is undoubtedly important, the key to interrupting an opponent’s OODA loop lies not in acting faster, but in acting at the right time.
There's more. I found it interesting if not entirely helpful in terms of dealing with Climate Change.