I read the J6 committee report. I read every book on the Trump Administration. I read every article foreign and domestic for a month after J6 on what was being reported.
I watched the Portland BLM marches in July of 2020 and followed the commentary on these 'unidentifiable' security forces. That started showing up all over the country.
Also, I follow what's going on in the Federal Agencies.
These agencies are not "black box" services that "just do a job". They are organizations made up of people. As such they can be "hollowed out" by denying them funding.
They can also be subverted or controlled by controlling their staffing.
Read "The Scarlet Letter" again. Not the book, the author's prelude. The part where he talks about his "political appointment" as a customs collector at a port.
Government jobs in the US for most of the 19th century were "patronage" jobs. They were the "spoils" of winning an election. You fired everyone you could and replaced them with loyalists.
As you might expect, this led to corruption and weaponization of the machinery of government. One of the triumphs of the late 19th and early 20th for the US was the professionalization and depoliticization of the Federal Bureaucracy.
Under President George Bush the Second, Republicans started removing all the guardrails designed over 100 years to prevent a weakening of that tradition. They started "packing" the agencies with loyalists and hounding out political opponents.
Didn't you catch, that one of the demands of the renegades during the Speaker's Vote, was rules that would let them "zero out" salaries of individual government employees. Employees they don't like but cannot fire because of existing Federal Employment law.
That's how you 'purge' an agency of people who might report "reallocation" of funds to "black ops" projects.
Look, this is just another form of warfare. In guerilla wars you see it all the time. The rebels always infiltrate police and government organizations.